Replacement of shifts (Missing shift and shift to be filled)

Replacement of shifts (Missing shift and shift to be filled)

Make sure the option is enabled for your account:
  1. Click on your name, at the top right to display your user Preferences,
  2. Check: Display Shifts to Fill.

What is a quarter to fill? 

shift to fill and a shift that requires labour and that you offer to your employees who have the same position as the one you need. 
We will speak of a missing shift when the shift was already assigned to an employee initially, you send a request for a missing shift to the employees who can replace him.
💡The quarter to fill will be active (filled or not) for 24h00, then it will disappear.

When to use it?

Here are the situations that could occur:  
  1. You give one or more shifts to give, no matter who will be doing it
  2. When an employee is suddenly absent ADN their schedule is still in the next few days
  3. You are missing someone on the floor

How to use it?

  1. Send the request to employees with all the details of the shift to be occupied,
  2. Wait for the response from your employees,
  3. Choose and approve the shift for the employee of your choice.

There are several places in the application to create and send the request: 

Option 1: From the Schedules by position

  1. Register your shift to be filled directly in the last line of the schedule entitled shift to be filled,
  2. Publish by clicking on  above the schedule,
  3. Click on Save.
Once registered and published, Emprez sends a message to all employees who hold this position. 
Candidates for the position will be found in the Messages section.
If you have approved multiple applicants for the same shift, the system records for the most recent employee only.

Option 2: From an existing shift: Missing shift

If the shift was already assigned to an employee initially, you send a request for a missing shift to the employee who can replace him.
  1. Go to the shift,
  2. Click on Missing shift, bottom right,
  3. The shift information is pre-filled,
  4. Choose the recipients, 
  5. Click on Save and Send.
Once saved and sent, Emprez sends a message to the selected employees. 
Candidates for the position will be found in the Messages section.
If you have approved multiple applicants for the same shift. the system records for the most recent employee only. 

Option 3: From "Messages"

  1. Click on Messages, top right,
  2. Click on Work Shift needs filling
  3. Fill in the shift information,
  4. Select the recipients,
  5. Enter a note, (Ex.: The date of dispatch of the shift to facilitate your personal follow-up)
  6. Click on Save and Send.
Once registered and sent, Emprez sends a message to the selected employees. They will only have to follow the following steps to volunteer: Quarter to fill for an employee.
You will find the candidates for the position in the Messages section.
If you have approved multiple applicants for the same shift, the system records for the most recent employee only.

Approve a quarter to be filled

Once the shift to be filled has been published, your employees will be able to apply directly via their mobile application or via the web portal.
💡The shift to be filled will be active (filled or not) for 24 hours, then it will disappear.
When an employee applies for a shift to fill, you can approve or deny their request directly in your menu Message > Shift to fill.

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