Work Shift: Add, modification and delete

Work Shift: Add, modification and delete

The work shift is the basic unit of any schedule that you enter in Emprez.

Create a shift

When you are in one of the options for creating schedules (Schedules by position, Schedules & plans, Schedule by employee) you can create shift manually by selecting the day of your choice opposite the name of the employee concerned. A simple click on the box will open a Work shifts window followed by the name of the employee concerned.

Only the green fields are necessary to save a quarter of the schedule. The other fields, although optional, allow a greater level of detail to your schedule, making it easier to communicate with your team.

Explanation of terms

1. Shift Start - End
  • Enter the hours of work for your shift. (These will be either in 24h format or in AM-PM format, for more details click here.)
  • The hours proposed by default can be modified from your account Preferences, by clicking on your name.
For night shifts that are on two days: it is necessary to put the shift in the day when the shift begins and not where it ends for a good edition of the timesheets.
This is very important for proper editing of timesheets; but also for the clarity and understanding of your employee's schedules in their mobile application.
Example: For a shift that begins on Monday at 10 p.m. and ends on Tuesday at 4 a.m., the shift must be placed on the Monday box.
2. Type of shift
  1. The type of shift determines the information that will be displayed in your schedule.
  2. The type of shift can also play an important role in your export to payroll.
  3. The default shift is Work and represents the hours of work planned for your employee.
    The other types that can be selected when creating a new shift are: Stat. holiday, Time off (unpaid), Shadowing, Training, Time off (Paid).
    For example: if the type of shift is a stat. holiday is added to an employee's schedule, the employee will see the holiday displayed in his schedule and not in working hours.
  1. By checking this option, this shift will become visible to your employee as soon as your schedule is saved. 
    Leave this section blank if you wish to continue making changes to your schedules.
4. Note
  • This section is reserved for the exclusive use of Managers and Administrators. 
  • Any information entered in this section cannot be viewed by the employee. 
  • The comments entered in the note will be available in the timesheet associated with this shift.
5. Background Color
  1. You can assign different types of colors to your shift to make your schedule more visual.
6. Meal
  • Emprez allows you to plan two meal periods for your employees. 
  • Meals can be scheduled at any time of the day.
  • The time you enter for the meal is for information only and allows Emprez to indicate the time that should be reserved for your employee's meal.
    • An employee will not be penalized if his meal is marked at a different time than the time you set in his shift (ex. : 1:00 pm rather than 12:30 pm)
    • All the time between entering the start of the meal and the end of your employee's meal will be deducted from his salary.
  • Check paid if you want to cover your employee's mealtime. Note that any excess of the time reserved for the paid meal will be removed from the employee's salary.
  • Refer to the article on Timesheet settings for more details on modifying the interaction of Emprez with this field.
    • Example: You are planning a paid 30-minute meal for your employee. However, it takes 40 minutes. 10 minutes will then be withdrawn from his salary.
7. Break
  • Breaks can be scheduled at any time during the shift.
  • Enter the time of the shift when the employee will have the right to take a break.
  • The default time reserved for breaks can be set in the settings section of your employee's timesheets.
    Refer to the article on Timesheet settings to get more details on modifying the interaction of Emprez with this field.
8. Tasks & Functions
  1. You can give more information to your employee from this menu. Refer to the Management of tasks and functions assigned to employees for more information on this section.
9. Copy shift to another day
  1. Choose another day of the week to which you want to copy the information from the shift that you entered by checking the box next to it.
10. Shift to fill 
  1. Use this option to notify your staff that you have a shift to fill. Refer to the Messaging section for more information on this option.

Add, Modify, Delete, See more details, on a shift

Discoveries of functions on a shift

  • Hover over the hours or the wording of a shift to display the options
  • To view more details, hover your mouse over to see more details about a shift.
  •  To modify a shift click on  which will open the modification window.
  • To delete a shift click on . You will be notified to confirm your request.
  • To add a shift on this day, click onthe top left of the box.

Here is an example of a schedule in which we added two shifts for the same day with different colours:

Copy / move a shift to another day or another employee

To copy/move a sift to another day on the same employee you have two options:

  1. You can select the days of your choice when creating the shift or modifying it.
    1. You can do this manually using the copy/move technique on the quarter where you want:
      1. Keep your mouse button pressed above the shift that you want to copy to another day or another employee,
      2. Keeping the mouse button pressed, move the shift to another day,
      3. Release your mouse button when you are over the day or the person you want.
    To copy/move the shift to another employee:     You can use the drag and drop technique described above. 
    The copied/moved quarters are in draft mode. Consider publishing them if you want to share them with your employees.

    Publish a shift

    To find out more about the publication of schedules, you can consult the dedicated article by   clicking here.
    You can choose to publish a shift individually or publish multiple shifts at the same time.

    Publish a shift individually 

    If you want to publish the work shift individually, you must indicate this when creating the work shift in question. 
    You must check The Shift is published (visible to the employee), then click on Save on the overall vision of your schedule.

    Publish multiple shifts at the same time

    To publish several shifts at once, when you are on the global view of your schedule, click on    then  Save .
    You can Save your schedules without publishing them.

    Last shift modification

    You can see who was the last person to change a shift and the date and time in two ways:
    1. Hover over the concerned quarter and the details will appear in a black frame
    2. Click on the shift in question and you will see in the right corner the detail of the last modification

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