Work accidents in Quebec (CNESST)

Work accidents in Quebec (CNESST)

If one of your employees is injured at work (in Quebec), and cannot work during the rest of the day, you must pay him 100% of his salary for that day.

In Emprez, you must change the code on his timesheet for this day to 1st day CSST.
You can also enter the details in the Note section.

The hours for this employee, for that day, will be exported for payroll as Paid absences.
Make sure you have activated the Paid Absences code with a valid export code in the Pay > Export section.

If your employee cannot continue working the next day you must follow the regulations established by the CSST (or the appropriate body that regulates labour standards for your province/state or country).
  1. Go to the Employee's file, under Status,
  2. Click on Details, then click on the +,
  3. Enter the details : ie. the date of the work stoppage and the type that will be Work stoppage.
The expected return date is not required, but, if you know it, it will help you manage the schedules for this employee.
  1. With a scheduled return date, Emprez will notify you of the alerts on the schedule (a red triangle in the upper right corner of the shift) if the employee already has shifts in the schedule that falls within the period. scheduled for his absence or if you are trying to create shifts for this employee during this period.
  2. Without a scheduled return date, all shifts (existing and new) will have an alert.

To determine the amount you must pay the employee upon recovery (after the day of the accident), we suggest you contact the CNESST (or the appropriate entity that regulates labor standards for your province / state or country). In addition, some payroll companies (such as Employer D and Nethris) have a "simulation tool" that will help you manage the amount you owe during recovery directly from your payroll system. You can contact your representative at your payroll company for more information.

As soon as your employee returns, we suggest that you change the employee's status in the employee file, to do this:
  1. Go to the Employee's file, under Status,
  2. Click on Details, then click on the +,
  3. Enter the details: ie. the date of the work stoppage and the type that will be Return to work.

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