Only Managers and Administrators users are able to modify employee timesheets.
You can now make change the past timesheets (dated before the pay period). Thus, it will be possible to change a timesheet from 3 months ago and generate the payroll.
Please note that the manipulations made will not be submitted in the payroll automatically, it is also possible that depending on your payroll system, information that is too old will not be accepted.
If you are interested in this option, do not hesitate to
open a ticket so that we can activate it for you.
Each timesheet has three sections. Each will allow you to modify the position, the type of remuneration, and the time worked by your employee.
To access and modify timesheet information, click on the hours or in at the end of the line.
Modify the position and the type of timesheet
This section allows you to change the position that was originally planned in the employee's schedule. You can also make changes to the type of compensation that will be applied to the employee (payment from a timebank, sick leave, unauthorized absence, etc.)
Choose the position
Allows you to change the position to which your employee's punch will be assigned.
The employee's position is always dependent on the unit selected. Attempt to change your employee's unit if the position you want to select is not in the position section.
Changing the unit affects the display of positions that you can select for your employee's timesheet.
Determine the type of timesheet that will be used to export your employee's payroll. If a schedule has been assigned to your employee, this section will display the type of schedule you're assigned to them.
To learn more about the different types of timesheets in Emprez,
click here.
In some cases, you will need to change the original type of shift. Payment for sick or vacation leave, or unauthorized absence from work, maybe reasons to change the Timesheet type associated with your employee's work shift.
Each timesheet type can be assigned an export code for payroll. Check with your payroll manager for the types of timesheets that will be supported for your employee's compensation.
Any note entered in the Note section of your schedule will display in this section
You are encouraged to note the reasons for the change in employee compensation in the note to facilitate the traceability of your records.
(Different time worked, special events associated with his shift banking, etc.)
The timesheet note is only visible to users of the manager and administrator type.
Modify the time work
This section concerns your employee's time worked. It refers to the acts of start and end of shift of your employee.
Shift start schedule for / Shift end schedule for
Presents the information planned in the employee's published schedule
Presents the punch acts of your employee.
Application of the rules of your company for the management of the worked time of your employees.
Used by pay
The data entered in this section will be used for the remuneration of your employee.
- Emprez recopies and formats your employee's punch documents if they comply with your business rules.
- Emprez suggests the information stamped by the employee if it does not fit within the company rules provided.
- Emprez will automatically complete any missing punch with the values scheduled in the schedule.
The meal times of your employees can be managed in theses fields.
It is recommended to enter the meal in the timetable. In this way, Emprez will be able to apply the company rules relating to the management of your employees' meals.
- If the meal was not planned, Emprez will notify you with one ! orange.
- Emprez will present the planned mealtime and the punches issued by your employee.
Time subtracted from hours worked
The time entered in this section will be automatically deducted from your employee's salary.
If you authorize breaks for your employees, they do not have to be scheduled to be covered by your company rules.
Any Employee file created in Emprez has 15 min breaks set by default. Refer to the business rules settings for more details.
Time subtracted from hours worked
Shows the number of minutes the employee has exceeded for the break. Any time in this section will be automatically subtracted from the employee's paid time.