Types of shifts

Types of shifts

When creating a shift, you must specify which type of shift from the following options:
  1. Work: the employee's normal shift.
  2. Holiday: the number of hours will be calculated automatically according to the hours worked by the employee entered in Emprez.
  3. Shadowing: when the employee receives on-site training.
  4. Training: when the employee receives training outside his workplace. 
  5. Leave with pay: leave where the employee will be paid for the day. The number of hours to pay is at your discretion.
    You can specify the type of leave when you approve the timesheets. For more information, click here.
  6. Unpaid leave: leave where the employee will not be paid. You can specify the type of absence when you approve the timesheets.

The shift may indicate Vacation. This is possible if and only if the employee has a vacation balance on file. It is up to the Administrator to adjust the employee's vacation, for more information click here.

To learn more about shifts, you can read the article: Work shift: Add, modification, and delete.

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