Transferring time (work, shadowing, training) to a custom time bank

Transferring time (work, shadowing, training) to a custom time bank

Emprez now gives you the ability to subtract time from Work, Shadowing, Training timesheets and add it to a custom time bank.
The Custom Time Bank feature must be active to use this feature. To activate it, send us a ticket.

Make a time transaction to a custom time bank

  1. Approve the timesheet for which you want to deduct time, then click on ,
  2. Next to Add to Custom Time Banks, click on Add,
  3. Fill in the following information:
    1. Type: Select the type of shift
    2. Bank: Select the custom bank to which you want to transfer the hours
    3. Type of transaction: Select the desired action
    4. Value HH:MM to substract: Note the number of hours you wish to transfer from the timesheet TO the custom time bank
    5. Dates: The date must be in the payroll period otherwise the associated transaction will not be issued at the same time to the payroll
    6. Value HH:MM : You can add more hours than you subtract in the timesheet (Ex: Here I subtracted 1h45 from the timesheet, but I added 3h to the total)
    7. Checkbox: By default "Active" and "The transaction will be exported to PayRoll" are checked, leave it that way.
  4. Click on Save, and click on Validate.

Here is how this new information is presented in your time bank.
If you wish to modify or delete this information, you can click on or .
NB: Once the payroll is generated or the $ button is used, you will not be able to delete an addition to a time bank.

Visualize time transactions

When you subtract time to add it to a custom time bank you create a transaction.

View transactions by employee: In the employee summary (image above).

View transactions for multiple employees:
  1. To view all the transactions, in the menu , click on Custom Time Bank Transactions,
  2. Select the department, then click on Load,
  3. The transactions made during the selected period will appear.
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