Timesheets approval

Timesheets approval

Timesheet visual - Function: fold/unfold

A timesheet is based on the schedules and allows us to know the information of time worked by the employee.

Once in the timesheets section, we can see a visual difference in the form of it.
  1. Linear form (1):
    If the timesheet is approved, it looks like this: linear presentation consisting of the name of the employee, the day, the number of hours approved, the name of the manager who approved the timesheet, and the date and approval day.
    You can also display your timesheets on the shelf even when they are not yet approved, you will have the name of the employee, the day, and the number of hours to be approved.

  2. Detailed form (2):
    On this form, in addition to the information that we have on the linear display, we have the information concerning the division and the position, the type of timesheet, and the details on the time worked. This display facilitates checks.

  3. You can also hide previously approved timesheets by unchecking the box "Include already approved TS", then clicking on Load.
For more details about timesheet anatomy, click here.

    To switch from one display to another:
    To fold or unfold a sheet individually, click on the icon presented in point (3).
    If you want to do this on all timesheets, click on the icon presented in point (4).

Timesheet batch approval 

To make your job even easier, we have given you the ability to approve and disapprove everything in one click.
The approval of batch timesheets must be done after verification and validation of the hours worked by employees, to be sure that the hours they will be sent to pay.

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