Timesheet settings: Grace period and roundings

Timesheet settings: Grace period and roundings

One of the strengths of the Emprez service is the ability to consolidate employee's punches according to the schedule you have assigned to them. This functionality of the service allows you to avoid modifying your employees' timesheets manually, thus saving several minutes of administrative processing and overpaid salaries.
You must have a scheduled schedule in order to take advantage of this feature. Refer to the Schedules section for more information on this topic.

Special features of setting up timesheets

All employees start with a timesheet template identical to that of the Administrator account that created their employee file.
Once an employee has been created, any account with Manager and Administrator access can make changes to an employee's timesheet settings. Timesheet settings are individual to each employee. You can, therefore, modify the settings of an employee without this affecting the folder of other employees.
The default setting can be changed for each Administrator account. Make sure that each Administrator type account in your account has the same timesheet settings. This will avoid conflicts in the management of your employee's timesheet settings.

Definition: Grace period

A grace period designates a period of time where punch actions are automatically adjusted to the information that was scheduled in an employee's schedule.
This feature of Emprez saves you from having to manually adjust the timesheet of each of your employees for a few minutes anticipated on the schedule.
  1. If a punch is outside the grace period associated with the action, Emprez will display the actual time of the punch in the employee's compensation.
  2. Grace periods only work with an employee's hallmarks.
  3. Any timesheet entered manually into an employee's file does not interact with the pardon function.
  4. Graces are only taken into account if you have planned a schedule for your employee.
πŸ“... arrived before

Period before the start of the scheduled shift where the employee's punch will be automatically adjusted to the time entered in his schedule.
  1. 15 minutes of grace to arrive before
  2. The planned schedule starts at 9:00 am
  3. Employee's punch is at 8:56 am
  4. The timesheet will display 9:00 am for employee compensation
πŸ“... arrived after

The period after the start of a scheduled shift where the employee's punch will be automatically adjusted to the time on his schedule.
  1. 5 minutes of grace to arrive after
  2. The planned schedule starts at 9:00 am
  3. Employee's punch is at 9:02 am
  4. The timesheet will display 9:00 am for employee compensation
πŸ“... departure before

Period before the end of the scheduled shift where the employee's punch will be automatically adjusted to the time entered in his schedule.
  1. 3 minutes of grace for departure before
  2. The planned schedule ends at 5:00 pm
  3. Employee's punch is at 4:58 pm
    The timesheet will display 5:00 pm for employee compensation
πŸ“... departure after

The period after the end of the scheduled shift where the employee's punch will be automatically adjusted to the time entered in his schedule.
  1. 5 minutes of grace for after departure
  2. Planned schedule end at 5:00 pm
  3. Employee's punch is at 5:03 pm
  4. The timesheet will display 5:00 pm for employee compensation
πŸ“... shorter meal

Period of time when the employee's end of meal punch will be automatically adjusted to respect the time you have planned for his meal.
  1. Grace for a shorter meal is planned for 10 minutes
  2. The planned schedule includes a 30 minutes meal
  3. Employee only takes 23 minutes of mealtime
  4. The employee's timesheet will show that he has taken 30 minutes of meals rather than 23

Definition Rounding

You can ask Emprez to round your employee's punch time according to the parameters of your choice.
Instead, the rounding will be used if you still want to add or remove an appropriate amount of time on an employee's punch actions or if you do not want to create schedules for your employees.
Make sure you have a minimum of 1 minute in your rounding. Without this, conflicts could arise in approving your timesheets.
  1. We scheduled the start of the shift at 9:00 am
  2. Our employee punches his shift start at 8:52 am
  3. In his file, we set up a rounding of 5 minutes as close as possible.
  4. Emprez will display while its punch time is 8:50 am
  5. The employee will then be paid from 8:50 am rather that from 8:52 am stamped.

Meal punch configuration

Default meal duration and Actual meal duration

There are two ways to configure the calculation of your employees' meals:
  1. By punched: the employee will have to enter his punched meal start/end to determine the length of his meal break. This is the initial configuration for all Emprez accounts.
  2. By default: The employee will not have to enter punched for his meals. A fixed total of minutes will be deducted from his working time at the end of the shift.

Configuration of meals with Default duration

  1. Enter the number of minutes authorized for the employee's meal (ex. : 30) in the Meal Default duration
  2. Choose the option: "Default duration" for the Meal duration (actual) field,
  3. Make sure to schedule this employee's meal on schedule,
  4. Emprez will subtract the mealtime that you have entered in Default meal duration as soon as the end of shift punch is applied to the employee's file, 
  5. If you want your employee's meal to be paid, you must notify Emprez by checking this option in the employee's schedule.
⚠️If you have not scheduled a shift and your employee is punching, the meal will be paid automatically on the timesheet even if you have configured "do not pay for meals".
Indeed, the system having no reference does not run the risk of calculating 1 hour by default never paid if the employee has not used this hour.
  1. You have set up 30 minutes in the field Meal Default duration of your employee,
  2. You have planned his schedule so that he takes an unpaid meal break between 12:00 - 12:30 for a shift totaling 8 hours of work,
  3. Your employee does not punch to indicate his meal and completes his shift normally,
  4. The employee will then be paid at 7:30 rather than 8:00; 30 minutes being cut off for his meal break.

Configuration of breaks

The default duration of the break

Determines the number of minutes allocated for the employee's breaks if they are scheduled.
Important information for breaks:
Make sure to check the option to the right of the break time if you want to count your employees' breaks without them being scheduled in a schedule. Without this, any unplanned break punch will be automatically removed from the employee's time.

How to access your default timesheet settings for you Administrator account

  1. Access your Preferences, by clicking on your name in the upper right, then My Employee Profile,
  2. Click on Other Employee Settings, then on the Timesheets tab.

πŸ’‘To apply the settings to all your employees please click on Apply Timesheet Parameters to all employees at the bottom of the page.

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