Anatomy and color coding of timesheets

Anatomy and color coding of timesheets

To make it easier to read timesheets and approve them, different parameters an colors are set up to identify the different scenarios that took place when your employees punched.

Timesheet color code

⚫️ Black and White: No anomaly detected.

    1. Case 1: The employee is on time, no anomalies detected
    2. Case 2: The employee has punched in the time allocated for the adjustment of timesheets (grace period that you can configure to round up or down your employee's score to the number of minutes chosen.
      Example: your employee punches at 8:56 a.m., you can set up for rounding to the nearest 5 minutes so that he is paid from 9:00 a.m., for more information click here.
🟠 Orange: Total hours must be checked before approval / if no timetable.

    1. Case 1: The punched start/end is different from that scheduled
    2. Case2: The employee punched out without having an assigned shift

🔴 Red: When the timesheet is red, it means that a hallmark is missing (start/end of the shift, break, meal), intervention is required, since approval will not be allowed.

3 hours meanings on timesheets

Three hours appear on the quarters to be approved when you validate the timesheets when there is a difference between the forecast schedule and the actual or a punching failure. The purpose of this display is that you have everything at a glance to approve your timesheet.

For work shift

For breaks and meals


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