Time changes summer/winter and approval of timesheets

Time changes summer/winter and approval of timesheets

The time change happens twice a year:
When we switch to summertime, we lose an hour by advancing our watches.
When we switch to wintertime, we save an hour by backing our watches.

Emprez wished to leave the choice to your company to apply its own hourly payment policy concerning the time change.
Indeed, if your employees do a shift on the time of day change (midnight), an hour more (in winter) or less (in summer) will be recorded on the timesheets of your employees.

Depending on the policy of your company, 2 choices are available to you:

Option 1 :

Either your company chooses to pay the additional hour which did not actually take place at the change of wintertime and that it will catch up in its favour during the change of summertime when it does not pay the additional hour actually worked.
➢ If you choose this option, you have nothing to touch in Emprez, the balance will be done over the year, you can approve your timesheets as they are.

Option 2 :

Either your company chooses to pay for the exact number of hours worked by employees by not paying the fictitious additional hour in winter, and by paying the actual additional hour made by your employees in summer.
➢ If you choose this option, you must update it manually when approving your timesheets.
When switching to wintertime, you will have to take one hour off.
When switching to summertime, you will need to add an hour.

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