Submit a Vacation Request

Submit a Vacation Request

My Vacation: Request a vacation

If the option My Vacation is grayed out this means that your Manager does not allow you to request a holiday via the Mobile Application. 
Please contact him, and ask him to follow these steps to activate the option.
Depending on the parameters defined by your employer, your vacation requests will be either in day or in hours.

To submit a day vacation via the mobile app

  1. Log in with your user code and password,
  2. Click on My Vacation,
  3. Click on the at the bottom right,
  4. Fill the following page (Define the dates and justification),
  5. Once all the fields are filled, you must select the approval manager of your choice, click on Confirm.
You have the number of vacation days available in real-time and the history of all your requests (Phone 2).
Start and End dates are inclusive. You must ut a Justification to be able to submit the request to a manager.
Vacation requests will be pending until approved by the manager.

To submit a vacation request in hours via the mobile app 

  1. Log in with your user code and password,
  2. Click on My Vacations,
  3. Click on the + at the bottom right, 
  4. Complete the following page:
    1. If you take All the day drag the slider to the right (it will be turquoise)
    2. If you take part of the day leave the cursor to the maximum to the left (it will be gray)
      For the second case, insert the hours for which you wish to take leave as well as the last day (if it is the same day put the same)
    3. Fill in the justification
  5. Then, click on Approval Request,
  6. Once all the fields are filled, you must select the manager of your choice, click on Confirm.
You have the number of vacation hours available in real-time and the history of all your requests. (Phone 2)
Start and end dates are inclusive. You must put a Justification to be able to submit the request to a manager.
Vacation requests will be pending until approved by the manager.

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