Employee access and configuration of functionalities

Employee access and configuration of functionalities

In this article we will find out:

  1. How to give your employees access to their employee portal (mobile app + web portal): username, password, and account activation

  2. The functionalities to which they can have access via their employee portal and how to configure them

Access for your employees

With the username and password, employees can access their Emprez employee portal via the mobile application and on the web portal for various functions (consult their schedule, punch, send you a message, etc.).
  1. To view the accesses of all your employees: Reports Reports - Employees > Access codes > Report Pdf

  2. To view the access of a single employee: Employees Employees fileParameters > Web and Mobile applications (You will see the username and password in front of this section). 
    Do not confuse with The employees' punch access code for punching on the punch machine.

  3. You can send their welcome kit to your new employee with one click by clicking on the Send access information by email button.

Account activation

Only an Admin or Limited Admin can make these changes
To activate or deactivate an employee's account:
  1. Go to the Employee menu > Employees file > Web and Mobile applications,
    1. To activate the account: Check the Account is Active box, 
    2. To deactivate the account: Uncheck the Account is Active box, 
  2. Click on Save.

Mobile and web application parameters description

Only an Admin or Limited Admin can make these changes
You can choose to give access or not to certain functionalities of the Emprez employee space to your employee.
If a feature is not granted, it will be grayed out in the employee's mobile app/web portal; they will not be able to enter the corresponding menu.
Access settings can be defined for an individual employee or for all employees.

Here are the different features that you can block or leave in free access:
1) In the Mobile and Web Access> Web and Mobile Application section:
  1. Display Personal info: 
    1. Provide employee access to contact information
    2. Give access to the availability section
    3. Provide access to the attached documents section shared with the employee
  2. Display Personal Schedule: allow to see his scheduled person
  3. Display Timesheets: allow to see the timesheets for which the employee has stamped. Timesheets are accumulated by month.
  4. Can add their own timesheets: allow the employee to submit timesheets. Cannot work if the previous box is not checked.
  5. Display Time Banks: allow the employee to consult his banks of available hours (vacations, illnesses and to resume). Do not display amounts of money.
  6. Display general schedule: allow consultation of the team schedule which is in the same division ((for days when the employee is scheduled).
  7. Display messages: allow the employee to receive employer communications, shift change messages, etc.
2) In the section Work parameters > Schedule:
Even if you accept any of these features, all requests submitted by your employees will need to be approved by a manager.
  1. Employee can submit availability modifications 
  2. Employee can submit shift replacement requests to other employees 
  3. Employee can submit vacation requests
  4. Employee can submit requests to use his Custom Time Banks

Paramétrage des fonctionnalités

Give access to one employee only

  1. Go to an Employees file,
    1. Click on Mobile and Web access, in the section Paramètres des applications Web et Mobile check the options you want to give your employees
    2. Click on Work Parameters, in the Schedule section, check the options you want to give your employees
      (See the section below: Mobile and web application parameters description for more information.
  2. Click on Save.

Give access to all employees 

  1. Go to the Employees file,
    1. Click on Mobile and Web access, in the section Paramètres des applications Web et Mobile check the options you want to give your employees,
    2. Click on Work Parameters, in the Schedule section, check the options you want to give your employees
      (See the section below: Mobile and web application parameters description for more information.
  2. Click on Apply to All Employees, 
    Emprez will ask you which payroll company you want to apply the changes for. Note that all employees of this company will have the settings you have chosen.
  3. Please select the company, 
  4. Click on Select,
  5. Emprez asks if you confirm the selected company, click Yes.
If you have multiple companies, you need to repeat the process for each payroll company.

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