Why not enter a position in "Profile Parameters" and "Predetermined shifts"

Why not enter a position in "Profile Parameters" and "Predetermined shifts"

Previously, when creating a Profile Parameters or a Predetermined Shift, the choice of position was mandatory, we made this field non-mandatory to give you more flexibility!

Profile parameter

You can now create a Profile Parameter without assigning it to a particular position if the information created can coincide with several positions.

In order to facilitate the use of the Profile Parameter, you must complete the following fields:
  1. Description: Choose a clear and precise title so that you can easily find your way around
  2. Employee to be paid by: Select the payroll company that paid the employee for this Profile parameter

Predetermined Shift

If you have several identical positions in different departments, a predetermined shift can now be used by several departments.
Thus, we will have general predetermined shifts that can be used in several circumstances; and specific predetermined shifts for positions that require a premium for a work shift, for example.

In order to facilitate the use of a predefined shift that could apply to several stations of the service:
  1. Predetermined Shift Name: Choose a clear and precise name so that you can easily find your way around
  2. Users who can use this predetermined shift: Remember to share it with other team members who can use it
  3. WorkShifts Premium: Apply a work shifts premium if necessary, this will avoid having to do it manually in each timesheet

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