Premiums for Workshifts

Premiums for Workshifts

Premiums for Work shifts Definition

The premium for Work shifts is a premium that is associated with a particular shift. It can be applied to the total duration of the shift, or to a portion only.
The employee is responsible for opening the store and this involves additional tasks, he may receive $2 more for the first two hours.
To access it, you must activate the Premiums for Work shifts.
Please submit a ticket for us to activate this option. Enter the list of managers who should have access to it on the ticket.
Only an Administrator can access it since it is monetary information.
On the other hand, an Administrator can give access to a manager in order to be able to assign premium for a work shift or add it to a timesheet to find out click here.
Other types of premiums are available on Emprez, for more information we invite you to discover the article:
Overview of the different types of premiums.

Create, modify or delete a Premiums for Workshifts 

  1. Click on Pay, then Manage premiums, 3 premium categories will appear.
  1. To display the premiums that you have already created, click on  (to the left of the type of premium concerned) the menu will open.
  2. If you don't have one: click on  to create a new premium.
  3. If you want to modify an existing premium: click on .
  4. If you want to delete an existing premium: click on 
    ⚠️ Once deleted, the premium can no longer be recovered.

Set up the premium for work shifts

  1. On the right, select the companies you want to make this premium available to.

  2. Name: Name of the premium

  3. Premium Percent or Premium Amount: Indicate the value of the premium as a percentage or dollar amount
    %: it will be calculated on the hourly rate at which the employee works, the percentage of the hourly premium will include the shift premium in the calculation.
    $: the $ amount will be added to the employee's salary for the number of hours specified above

  4. Add Position Premium: include the position premium in the premium work shifts calculation, check if applicable.

  1. Payroll codes for Hours: This allows you to target which types of hours to take for premium calculation.
  1. To find out your export codes: Go to Pay > Export pay > Export Codes.
    If the information is not identical, please refer to your payroll system and correct the Pay > Export pay > Export Codes.
  2. Enter the correct numbers in the appropriate boxes, 
  3. Save the configuration.
  1. Payroll codes for premium: This is the code at which you decide to pay your premium hours in your payroll system.
    Please retrieve this code from your payroll system. If it does not already exist, you must create one with the help of your payroll support.
  2. Click on Save.
NB: The option Add position premium applies if you have a position premium and this work shifts premium is calculated as a percentage.

Assign the workshift premium

There are 3 ways to assign the shift premium:
  1. When creating the employee's shift
  2. Addition from a Predetermined shift
  3. Adding from the timesheet

When creating the employee's shift 

  1. On the shift window, click on Premiums for Work shifts,
  2. Click on + to add a new premium,
  3. Choose the appropriate premium from the drop-down menu,
  4. Enter the hours for which the first request applies in relation to the shift,
  5. Save the Work shift modification,
  6. Save the change to the employee's schedule or the general schedule.
You can add multiple shift premiums on a shift.
Only the shifts of the current and future days can be modified. You cannot add shift premiums for days
that have already passed.

Addition from a Predetermined shift

  1. Create your predetermined shift before continuing: Creation of a predetermined shift,
  2. Go to the WorkShifts Premium tab,
  3. Click on Add a Premium,
  4. Choose the appropriate premium from the drop-down menu, 
    Enter the hours for which the premium will apply in relation to the shift,
  5. Click Save.
  1. You can add multiple shift premiums on a shift.
  2. Whenever you use this shift, the employee will have a shift premium(s).

Adding from the timesheet

You can add a shift bonus directly to your employee's timesheet.
  1. In the Timesheets menu, select the Service, department, then click on in front of the employee of your choice,
  2. Under Premiums for shifts, click on to add the premium,
  3. Fill in the requested fields, then click on Save,
  4. In the timesheet window, click Save again.

View the details of the premium calculations in the timesheets

In order to check the details of the bonus calculations in your employees' timesheets, you will need:
  1. Go to the main menu Timesheets,
  2. Check and approve the timesheet concerned,
  3. Click on ,
  4. The details of the Raw Information for the employee's payroll will appear.

The premium does not appear when the payroll is exported

Please check the following information:  
  1. The premium configuration: the hour code must be the same as the type of shift the employee works for the day.
If the employee is on the job, for a work code = 1, the hours' code in the shift premium must be = 1.
If the employee is in training, for a training code = 4, the hours' code in the shift premium must be = 4.
  1. Check the shift to which the premium is associated, as well as the hours of application of the premium,
  2. Check that the timesheet is approved,
  3. Check the total hours of the timesheet: if it is at 00:00, disapprove, and re-approve.
If after all the checks, the premium still does not appear, please send us the following information:
  1. Employee's first and last name,
  2. Premium date,
  3. Pay period you are trying to transfer
    What should appear in the export of payroll

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