Premium for the position

Premium for the position

The premium for the position is the variation of the employee's salary when the latter occupies a specific position. In fact, an employee can work at different hourly rates, depending on the position occupied.
The premium for the position will be included when calculating the hourly premium and the cumulative premiumif applicable when the employee works at this position.
This will be calculated like this:
Base salary (compensation) + Premium amount (+/-)
The employee's default position is "secretary" and his salary on file is $20 an hour. When this employee works as an "accountant" Emprez will calculate a premium of $3 for each hour worked in this position.
Other types of premiums are available on Emprez, for more information we invite you to discover the article: Overview of the different types of premiums.

Create, modify or delete a premium per position

An employee can have a premium per position for each of his shifts.
  1. Access the Employee file of the employee concerned,
  2. Click on Position(s),
  3. Click on  opposite the position which you want to add the premium (1),
  4. In the Premium for the position section, enter the salary variation (the line at Remuneration + this premium = hourly wage of the employee when he works in this position (2),
  5. Click Save.
Repeat the process for the other positions if you wish. The premium will be automatically applied when the employee is at the position concerned.

  1. To modify a premium: do the same process, and modify the Premium for the position, do not forget to save your changes.
  2. To delete a premium: do the same process, and put 0 in the premium for the position, do not forget to save your changes.


View the details of the premium calculations in the timesheets

In order to check the details of the bonus calculations in your employees' timesheets, you will need:
  1. Go to the main menu Timesheets,
  2. Check and approve the timesheet concerned,
  3. Click on ,
  4. The details of the Raw Information for the employee's payroll will appear.
You can also edit a premium report associated with your employees, find out how by clicking here.
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