Payroll information retrieval and employee update

Payroll information retrieval and employee update

Emprez is also able to read and update salary information if your web service is activated.
You can have the Web Service, available for Desjardins (Employer D) and Nethris by activating it yourself: Web Service Activation for your company
You can then make the changes in Desjardins or Nethris and update the information in Emprez by following the steps below:
If you use Nethris or Desjardins and you have already changed the status of your employee, the coordination of information will be done automatically. See articleCoordination of information relating to employee statuses, from Nethris and Desjardins to Emprez.

Update general information

Please note that by doing this, the update will be done for the next pay period.
If you would like this salary information to be reflected for the current period, please disapprove and re-approve the timesheets for the current period.
Emprez' tip: Before each pay period, you can update general information for all employees - then approve your timesheets. Thus the timesheets will be at the up-to-date hourly rate.

New interface

  1. In the menu Pay > Retrieve information from Payroll to update Employees File
  2. Make sure you're in the right company and at the right time to import,
  3. Click on ChooseTheEmployeeToUpdate,
  4. Check the name of the employees you want to update, you have to Select all  or Un-Select All ,
  5. Then Retrieve from Desjardins/Nethris and update the employee's file,
  6. When the hook is like this:   - it means it worked.

Old interface

  1. In the left menu, choose Batch processing > Retrieve information from Nethris or Desjardins and update the employees (choice #5),
  2. Make sure you're in the right company and in the right time to import,
  3. Click on Choose employees,
  4. Check the name of the employees you want to update, you have the Select all  or Un-Select All ,
  5. Then Retrieve from Desjardins/Nethris and update the employee's file,
  6. When the hook is like this:   - it means it worked.

Information transmitted

Here is the list of information transmitted when you retrieve information from Nethris or Desjardins from employee files: 
First name, Last name, Sex, Address, City, Province, Postal code, Country, Tel1, Tel2, Cell, Paget, Email, Civil status, External ID, Date, and hourly wages from Nethris or Desjardins.
The NAS has not required information in Emprez. Changes to this information go from your payment system to Emprez, not from Emprez to your payment system, that is, changes you make in Emprez will not transfer to your payment system.

Update monetary information individually 

  1. Access the Employee file,
  2. Cliquez sur RĂ©munĂ©ration,
  3. Importez les informations depuis votre service de paie :
  1. Click on    or  ,
  2. A message will show you the date and details of the changes made to your payroll service and ask you if you want to add or change financial information to your employee's file,
  3. Click Save.

Update monetary information in batch

  1. Go to Pay > Retrieve information from Payroll to update Employees File,
  2. Choose the employees to update,
  3. After choosing the employees, click on Retrieve from Desjardins/Nethris and update the employee's file.

Once the update is done, the hooks will be like this:   
If not, check your Web Service access. To verify and/or update your Web Service accesses, please contact Nethris or Employer D support.  

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