Pay anticipation

Pay anticipation

There may be times when you want to anticipate payroll when you go on vacation, or if your payroll service closes during vacations such as the holidays.

Anticipating payroll means you can pay employees on the future schedule, even if they haven't punched yet.

Send a ticket to the support Emprez to be able to benefit from this free option, it is accessible only for the ADMIN.


It is on December 20, 2018. Your pay period ends on December 22, 2018 (period: December 9 to 22).

You are going on vacation today and want to make and export your payroll, even if the employees have not yet worked on December 21 and 22, 2018.

Once Pay Anticipation Mode is activated by a member of the Emprez team, the scheduled times for December 21 and 22 will create timesheets that can be approved as is, which can be exported as payroll. When you return from vacation, you can then check the punches that will be entered on those days and make adjustments in your payroll system, if necessary

Make sure you follow ALL of the following steps to avoid costly mistakes!

Procedure for executing a pay anticipation

1- Contact Emprez to activate the payroll anticipation option

Make sure you specify each of the companies (if you have more than one) for which you want this feature enabled.

You must specify the date on which you plan to export the payroll. We will activate pay anticipation the day before to give you time to complete step 3.

We will deactivate the pay anticipation mode the day after the end of the pay period you exported.

2- Create - publish - save employee schedules for the required pay period

Make sure there is a complete, published, and recorded schedule for each employee for the entire pay period being processed.

For example, if you process your payment on Thursday, December 20, 2018, for the pay period from December 9 to December 22, 2018, each employee must have a schedule for the period from December 9 to 22 inclusive if you want to count these hours in the export.

Anticipation mode will pay the employee according to the established schedule. If there is no schedule, there will be no pay.

3- Approve the timesheets

When the Anticipation function is activated, Emprez will automatically generate timesheets for the days between the current day and the end of the pay period (normally, timesheets are never created in the future).

Based on the example above, the system will generate timesheets for December 21st and 22nd based on the employees' published schedules.

On the day you want to generate the payroll (i.e. December 20), do the following:

  1. In the main menu, go to the Timesheets section,
  2. Select the service and the department,
  3. Select the pay period or the individual days to approve,
  4. Click or  to edit before approving with .
Mechanically, in order for Emprez to generate payroll, timesheets must be approved. However, the system is such that a timesheet that normally requires punch data, and which does not, cannot be approved. All timesheets that feature red must be approved using the little magic wand. This function will add temporary punches equivalent to the scheduled hours.

  • The simple act of using  makes approval. The approval box is checked and the line folds.

  • Timesheets that do not need a stamp (here vacation or statutory holidays - which do not have red) can simply be approved by checking the approval box.

 is a function only available with the new interface of Emprez (launch: December 2018). 

If you prefer to continue using the original interface (menu on the left side): Click on , make changes if required, save and approve.

4- Export the pay

  1. In the main menu, go to the Pay menu, then select Export pay, 
  2. Make your pay as usual.

5- Print or save the schedule in PDF to have it as a reference when you return from vacation

The printing (in paper or PDF) will allow you, when you return from vacation, to see if any changes to the schedule have been made during your absence or during the anticipation period.

It should be understood that it is not impossible that managers of your company must change the schedule during the anticipated period in order to meet the needs of the company.

If you keep a copy of the schedule you have anticipated and compare it to the final schedule, you can make changes in your payroll system as needed.

Printing the schedule 

Printed schedule, or saved as PDF

6- When you return from leave: Review the actual times that are punched by your employees

  1. Open the timesheets of the days pre-approved for the payroll export (for example December 21 and 22),
  2. Compare the actual hours (lower right corner of the hour's box) to the pre-approved times,
  3. Write down any variances and adjustments you want to make to that employee's pay for the next pay period.

You can also generate the Exception by Subdivision report to identify the differences between the forecast hours and the actual hours (which are the hours you used for payroll anticipation).

In the main menu Reports> Timesheets> Exceptions by subdivision.

You will also be able to view timesheets, as punches will be added to them when employees go to work.

Since your timesheets have been approved in advance, and the punch data is entered after it has been approved, it is normal that the number of hours indicated is the same as what you will have approved in advance, and that it does not reflect the hallmarks as such. This is because the number of hours exported is "frozen" when a timesheet is approved.

Warning :

If you disapprove of the timesheets, the calculation will be redone, and will not reflect what you exported.

We, therefore, suggest that you simply refer to the punch data that appears either on your exception report or in Emprez under timesheets, as indicated above.

Timesheet with punches (after the anticipation period)

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