Paid or unpaid break and meal break

Paid or unpaid break and meal break

Emprez allows you to schedule breaks and lunch breaks into your employee planning.
We suggest that you refer to the CNESST for more details on your rights and duties with regard to your employees' breaks.
You can set up paid breaks and meal breaks for your employees. To do this, please refer to the article: Timesheet settings.

Break and unpaid meal break

When you configure breaks and meal breaks on the schedule and you specify that they will not be paid, the count will be done automatically on the timesheets that your employee punches or not.

In the case that your employee does not take the unpaid scheduled breaks, Emprez sided with the employer in their timesheet calculation.
It takes into account the employees' punch, and in the event of non-punching (forgetting or the employee's wish), it adjusts to the provisional schedule.
Indeed, this choice was made so that you do not have to pay an employee who is on break (unpaid) who has forgotten to mark his break or for employers who want their employees to respect fixed schedules.

If you want to give your employees the freedom to take the breaks that you have defined or not, here are two possible alternatives:
  1. One-off case:
If you happen to have employees decide not to take their break or lunch break, you can either make the manual adjustment when approving timesheets by removing the time allowed in Meal or Break.
  1. Recurring scenario:
If this is a problem that often comes up with several employees, we recommend that you program things the other way around in automatic adjustments.
You schedule a PAID break and ask your employees who take their break not to punch and employees who don't take them to punch. Here is a guide to help you set up the Timesheet Settings.

Concretely, this system will give:
  1. The employee who takes his unpaid lunch break, scheduled in his schedule, does not peak. The system will assume that this is an oversight and automatically deduct the pause time.
  2. The employee who does not take his unpaid lunch break, and who therefore wishes to be paid will clock in on this time and he will be paid during the break.

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