Manager profile: First step with Emprez

Manager profile: First step with Emprez

Portals and mobile app

Management Portal

This is the portal where the following options are managed:
  1. Schedules
  2. Timesheets
  3. Reports
  4. Messages
To access it, the Administrator must give the user code and password to his manager. 

➤ Dashboard

The home screen shows you the information at a glance: 
  1. Timesheets to be approved by period,
  2. The number of timesheets per employee,
  3. Delays in your group,
  4. Planning verification, if you have active plans,
  5. Verification of schedules in relation to the availability of your employees,
  6. The validation of the shift to be filled for the week.
The verification period is modifiable, to make this change, click on your name in the upper right corner, so you will access your Preferences
To learn more about the dashboard and its configuration, we invite you to discover the article Configuration and use of the dashboard. 

➤ Messages

The messages are categorized by type of request:  
  1. Direct messages in Messages
  2. Requests that will have an impact on schedules in the categories concerned
To learn more about the Messages menu, please see the dedicated article by clicking here

Mobile Application

The manager can download the mobile application and use their accesses to:
  1. Display the schedules of employees in its departments: one by one or by day
  2. View employee requests in the section Messages, by category

Management portal 

Access to the employee portal allows the manager to send messages to each other.
Managers cannot send messages to each other from the management portal.
The recipients of the different portals are different from each other: 
On the employee portal, he sees only the Admin, without the other Managers.
On the management portal, he sees only the employees, without the other Managers or Admin.
On the mobile app, he sees employees, other managers, and Admin.

Employee files and schedules

Employee file

➤ Positions

The position is the employee's job when you put him on the schedule.

Example 1:
If an employee can be Technician or Cashier, he will have 2 positions: Shop > Cashier and Floor > Technician.
When you load the department Shop into the schedule, the employee appears with the Cashiers.
When you load the department Floor into the schedule, the employee appears with Technicians.

Example 2:
If an employee works in 2 different locations for the same position: Branch 1 > Cashier and Branch 2> Cashier.
When you load Branch 1, he appears in the department where the Cashiers appear.
When you load Branch 2, he appears in the department where the Cashiers appear.

If you want to make changes, you must contact a manager who has the role of Administrator. To see your role, click on your name at the top right > My Employee Profile > in the Parameters section, at the section Mobile and Web Access, your role is in parentheses.

➤ TimeBanks

This is a reserve of hours which will be paid afterward. For more information, see the article Overview of the different time banks, holidays, and vacations. 

➤ Availabilities

Availability defines the days and hours the employee is available to work. It avoids putting an employee on holiday or vacation on the schedule. For more information, see the article Availability and unavailability management.
If this is the case, you will have alerts throughout the application to warn you to replace the employee, especially on your dashboard first.

➤ Badges and user access

The badge number is a series of 5 digits generated by the system to identify the employee on the punching machine during his shift. However, you can have more than one badge number. Example: magnetic card, token, etc. 
User access is also generated by the system. It allows you and your colleagues to access mobile and web applications.

The schedules

This tool consists of visualizing: « Who will be at the workplace? When? And to do What? » 
You can create your schedules through Schedules by Position, Schedules by Employee, Schedules & Plans - Click on each type of schedule to discover their uses. 

To create a shift:
  1. Click in an empty box,
  2. Fill the window with the shift information,
  3. Click on Save,
  4. Don't forget to publish when the schedule is final to share it with your employees.
If space is already occupied, to add a second shift on the same day 
  1. Mouse over the existing shift, 
  2. 4 icons appear below the hours entered,
  3. Click on the +,
  4. Fill the window with the information of the second shift,
  5. Click on Save,
  6. Don't forget to publish when the schedule is final to share it with your employees.


Once approved, these are the hours that will be paid to your employees, or that will be reported to banks and paid for later.
In a timesheet, you can see:  
  1. Scheduled hours
  2. Punched hours (actual)
  3. Hours to pay

To learn more about their use, we advise you to consult the article: Adding hours to the bank from timesheets 
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