Manage vacations in hours

Manage vacations in hours

Managing your employees' vacations in hours rather than days will give you greater flexibility if you want to account for half days of vacation for example.

Activate vacations in hours

If you re with Desjardins or Nethris, ask your payroll service this: "For the next reference year, I would like to have the holidays in hours so that I can export them from Emprez".
Once activated by them, send us a ticket with the name of your payroll company. One of our agents will be happy to activate it for you.
  1. If you have more than one payroll company, include all the companies for which vacation hours are to be activated in the ticket.
  2. If you are in the middle of the period, we reserve the right not to activate this option since the information which is in days has already been processed.
    The change will erase the information you currently have in your account.
When the option is enabled, the vacation will change from vacation in days to vacation in hours. The historical vacation display in employee records will show 000:00.
Please note that historical information will not be deleted and will be stored in Emprez, but the user will not be able to view it.

Use vacations in hours

Once this option has been activated for your company, the creation of the new vacation reference year in hours can be done individually, that is to say per employee or in batch.

Add vacation individually

Once logged in with your Administrator account:
  1. Access the Employee's file,
  2. Click on Available Vacations,
  3. In the section Vacation, click on to add,
  4. Fill in the fields with the correct information:
  1. Vacation in Hours:Minutes (initial) corresponds to the balance at the start of the employee's reference period.
  2. Vacation Balance in Hours:Minutes corresponds to the employee's current balance (if you enter the data at the start of the period, where no one took vacation, Vacation = Vacation balance)
  3. Vacation in Hours:Minutes (initial) your full day of vacation in hours: minutes
  4. Average Hourly Wage for vacations: information from your payroll system according to the configuration made when creating the vacancy bank in hours.
  1. Click on Save.

  1. At the start of the period Vacation in Hours: Minutes (initial) = Vacation Balance in Hours: Minutes
  2. In the middle of a period, it is normal that Vacation in Hours: Minutes(initial) is different from Vacation Balance in Hours: Minutes since he has taken a vacation.
  3. The manager can schedule a different number of hours for a vacation day. Once the day has passed, you need to add a timesheet manually.
  1. Vacation in Hours: Minutes (initial) corresponds to the balance at the start of the employee's reference period.
  2. Vacation Balance in Hours: Minutes corresponds to the employee's current balance.
  3. One day of vacation in Hours: Minutes your full day of vacation in Hours: Minute.
  4. Average Hourly Wage for Vacations, information coming from your payroll system following the configuration made when creating the vacancy bank in hours.

Add vacations in batch

Once logged in with your Administrator account:
  1. Click on the Employee menu,
  2. Choose Add Vacations (Batch),
  3. Choose your Enterprise,
  4. The reference year is indicated by default, if it does not correspond to yours, click on the calendar to choose the right dates,
  5. Fill in the fields, if you don't have the Web Service: (you can modify this information manually once the list is generated)
  1. Vacation in Hours:Minutes (initial) corresponds to the balance at the start of the employee's reference period.
  2. Vacation Balance in Hours: Minutes corresponds to the employee's current balance.
  3. One day of vacation in Hours: Minutes your full day of vacation in Hours: Minute.
  4. Average Hourly Wage for Vacations, information coming from your payroll system following the configuration made when creating the vacancy bank in hours.
  1. Click on Search.

Once the list has been generated, all the information will be filled in from your payroll system, if you have the Web Service, with the exception of the Average hourly wage to be applied, which varies from employee to employee. The exact information to fill incomes from your payroll system.
Once the changes have been made and verified:
  1. Select the employees,
  2. Use  to select all, and  to cancel the selection,
  3. Double click in the boxes to modify the value,
  4. Click on Save,
  5. Make sure everyone you checked has one .
If there is any information in the employee's file, it will be overwritten with the information you just entered.

Pay the employee vacation

Scheduled planning

  1. Display the employee's schedule,
  2. Change the Type of shift for Vacation,
  3. Indicate the number of vacation hours in the Shift Start - End (HH: MM AM - HH: MM PM),
  4. Click on Save.
When you are ready you can publish the schedule.
If the employee wants to take a different number of vacation hours, change the start-end of the "shift".

Adding a Vacation type timesheet

  1. Go to the Employee's file,
  2. Click on Timesheets, at the bottom in the gray buttons,
  3. Click on Add +, at the bottom right,
  4. Fill in the boxes in red (date, division, and position),
  5. Add the Type: choose Vacation,
  6. Specify the number of hours, or if the employee wishes to have a day, click on "Full day"
  7. Click on Save,
  8. Approve the timesheets.

Assign Vacations from employee profile

  1. Go to the Employee's file,
  2. Click on Vacations, at the bottom in the gray buttons,
  3. Click on Add Vacations +, at the bottom right,
  4. Indicate if you want:
    1. Vacations in hours: you must add one day at a time
    2. Or by day: 1 day = Equivalent to a day of vacation, in the employee's file,
  5. Save.

The employee requests vacation from app

The employee can make vacation requests on the employee portal from full days of vacation.  
See the following article for more information: My Vacations: Ask vacations   

On the mobile application, he can choose to request: 
  1. for a full day
  2. or a specific number of hours for the requested day

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