Import of your employee files from your payroll system

Import of your employee files from your payroll system

This option is currently only available to customers with the following payroll service AND whose Web service is activated:
  1. Nethris
  2. Employer D (Desjardins)
This feature assumes that you have linked your Emprez account with your payment system.
You can integrate the file of your new employees from your payroll department into your Emprez account.

Access the New employee option

Harmonize or synchronize your files

If you already have files used in Emprez AND in your pay system, it is advised to harmonize your files before proceeding with your import in order to avoid duplicates. In that case: 
  1. Verify that the employee number in the two systems are the same. To modify it, go to the employee's file, click on Employee number, and change the corresponding box. Save
  2. Access the menu for harmonization: Employees, choose Create / Import an employee
  3. Select the Web Service: Check if certain employees in Emprez are not harmonized with those in the pay system.
  4. Click on Search, in the right payroll company, if you have more than one.
  5. Check the employee's name, if the information is identical,
  6. Click Harmonize.
Your employee must have as much employee profile as payroll.
If you manage 5 companies, and 5 branches and the employee can work at the same position for two branches: 
  1. The employee will have 2 employee files in Emprez, 
  2. He will also have 2 user codes and passwords,
  3. As well as 2 badge numbers for punching,
So for the manager, you have to import the employee twice, once for each payroll company.

Import new folders

If you want to import new employees from your payroll system AND they do not already exist in Emprez, in this case: 
  1. From the Employees menu, choose Create / Import employee
  2. You must choose Web Service link: Verify if certain employees are not matched between Emprez and the payroll service
  3. Click on Search, in the right payroll company, if you have more than one.

Complete the information in the employee file

Now, you have to assign the right position to each employee and define whether he can punch or not. The default position will be the position on which the employee works the most hours on the schedule. Otherwise, you can use a Parameters profile.

Determine your employee's punch parameters

There are three options:

  • Select: Employee Punches...
    • You want the employee to enter each schedule action (start of a shift, end of the shift, the start of the meal, end of the meal, etc.)
      • Authorizes the use of the punch to your employee.
      • Associate a unique 5-digit badge code with your employee.
      • The employee must enter their badge code for each punch action. 
  • Select: Employee can punch with the Web and Mobile applications...
    • You want to allow an employee to punch outside of your company. Useful for a sales team on the road, a delivery service, or if your employees have to travel to different sites for their work.
      • Authorizes the employee to use his Employee Portal and the Emprez mobile application to make his punches. 
      • The employee's GPS data is saved. 
  • Select none of the options if... 
    • You do not require the punches of this employee because of his position in your company, his contract of employment or his remuneration. 
    • Usually used for employees with leadership and management positions and alternates.
      • The employee will have no badge code and will not be able to use the punch function of Emprez.
      • The hours placed on this employee's schedule will ct as a timesheet for this employee. 

You can activate/deactivate the punching function of your employees at any time by accessing their files

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