Implication of approval

Implication of approval

Make sure all timesheets are approved before processing payroll.

How do I know if a timesheet is approved?

By default, when you approve a timesheet:
  1. It folds,
  2. Your name, date and time appear next to it,
    You see that you can add the hours in the bank

Calculation of the employee's salary for the period, once the timesheet is approved

Depending on the configuration of your account, here is how the system calculates your employee's salary:
  1. Base salary or Base salary + bonus per shift multiplied by total hours
  2. Plus: Premiums (listed below)
  3. Plus: Bonuses added manually
  4. Plus: Other types of remuneration (hours from the bank, holidays, other paid holidays)
  5. Less: Base salary x Hours banked

For working hours

The premiums will be calculated with the regular hours according to the configuration of these:
  1. Hourly premium
  2. Cumulative premium
  3. Premium for the position
  4. Premium for workshifts
At employee hours, you can add or pay for time bank hours .
You can add bonuses to the employee's final salary.

For vacation hours 

Emprez calculates it automatically like this:

For statutory holidays

You can use a report to calculate employee holidays on a given date: Reports > Timesheets >  Stat. Holidays Calculation.
The start day is the stat. holiday.

To verify the calculation that Emprez uses for employee stat. holidays:
  1. Go to the employee file,
  2. In the Parameters section, click on Work parameters,
  3. Go to the Timesheets tab,
  4. Scroll down to Stat. Holiday Calculation Method.

For banking

Bank hours are hours that you decide to set aside for later payment.
The hours put in the bank are deducted from the hours to pay for the week.
See the article for banking for more information: Adding hours to the bank.

Send to pay

Once approved, the timesheet is ready to be sent to pay with all of the other related calculations mentioned above.
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