Event management

Event management

For good schedule management, we thought it would be important for the manager to know if there is an event to come so that he has the information when creating his schedules.
For this purpose, you should first enter the calendar of your events in Emprez.
To be able to use this functionality, we invite you to contact an Emprez agent who will activate it for you.
Once this option is activated for the Administrator, he can then activate it in the profile of his managers by clicking on Mobile and Web access.

Create an event 

  1. Click on Schedules,
  2. Select Events Management,
  3. Click on New +,
  4. Choose the Service(s), Department(s),
  5. Fill in the fields in red on the right,
  6. Click on Save.

Note that you can always modify or delete events in the Events Management.  
 is to modify,  is to delete.

Where to see the alert for the event?

After the creation of events scheduled in a specific period or on a specific date, you would be able to see the alert:
  1. In the event manager
  2. In the schedule by position
  3. In the schedule by employee
  4. In the timesheets (If the event is assimilated to a position, only this position will have the alert at the end)

From Schedule by Position

  1. Click on  (top right),
  2. The event is displayed on the date you specified above. If you have marked time, the time will be displayed before the description.

From Schedules per employee

  1. Move the mouse over  next to the date entered for the event,
  2. A description will appear with the description of the event. If you have marked time, the time will be displayed before the description.

In Timesheets

  1. At the end of the timesheet line, move the mouse over the ,
  2. A speech bubble will appear with the description of the event. If you have marked a time, the time will be displayed before the description.

Here, the employee Desrosiers J. does not have this icon because his position is not part of the "Store" department to which the event has been assigned.

Activate events for other managers

  1. Go to the manager file,
  2. Click on Mobile and Web Access,
  3. Check the box Events Management,
  4. Click on Save.
This manager can now add events to the schedule.

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