Put an employee on work stoppage

Put an employee on work stoppage

A work stoppage is a period of withdrawal from work, motivated by a physical illness, a psychological disorder or burnout.
Usually, the duration of the work stoppage, the individual is always considered to be an employee of the company. So it will still show up in reports when you edit them.

Put the employee on work stoppage

  1. On Employee file, under Hiring information, modify employee Status,
  2. Click on  to add the date of the leave,

  1. When the Hiring Status modification window opens:
    1. Enter the date of data entry in the Date box,
    2. In Type, select Work stoppage,
    3. The Cause box cannot be empty,
    4. Fill in the boxes End of contract and Planned Return Date,
    5. The Note section can be used to track your files,
  2. Click on Save for change Hiring Status modification, then click Save again on the Hiring Information window. 

In the Employee's file, his status should now indicate that the Employee is inactive.
  • Once the change has been recorded, the employee cannot be scheduled and will not appear there. 
  • The employee will remain inactive between the departure date and the expected return date inclusive.  
  • When searching for the file, the employee in question will be marked as "Inactive".

The employee returns to work

From the employee's file:
  1. Go to the Employee's file concerned, under Hiring information, click on Status,
  2. Click on  to Modify the status,
  3. Choose the date, then in the drop-down menu, choose Hiring,
  4. Click on Save for the window Hiring Status Modification
  5. Then again on Save on the Hiring Information window.
In the Employee's file, his status should now indicate the date of return to work.
You can now schedule your employee on the Schedules. 
If you still do not see the employee in the schedule, then the return date is in the future.

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