3. Availabilities and Vacations

3. Availabilities and Vacations

My Availabilities: How to Define Your Availabilities

Emprez allows you to submit work availabilities directly from the Employee Portal. Availabilities are considered to be those days and times that you will regularly be available for work.  Once your availabilities have been approved, management will receive an alert if they create a shift for you that conflicts with your registered availabilities. 
  • Connect to the Emprez Employee Portal with your Username and Password,
  • Click Show, under Personal Information,
  • Under the Availabilities section, click on Change my availabilities,
  • Select the date that your modified availabilities will begin,
  • Select the manager to whom you wish to submit the availabilities for approval,
  • Define the hours, by day, that you are available for work,
  • Click Submit for Approval.
Your availabilities must be approved by your manager.     

Temporary Unavailabilities: How to Submit a Temporary Unavailability

You can also submit a request for temporary unavailability directly from your Employee Portal. Temporary unavailability is a single specific day and time that you are not available - for example if you have a medical or dental appointment. 
  1. Connect to your Employee Portal with your Username and Password,
  2. Click Show, under Personal Information,
  3. Under Temporary Unavailabilities, select Add,
  4. Under Approval by, choose the manager to whom you wish to submit your request,
  5. Select the Date,
  6. Enter the Start and End time for the unavailability (or select Whole Day),
  7. Enter the reason for the unavailability in the Note section (this section is required),
  8. Submit for Approval.
Your request will then be "Pending" until your manager approves it. To see the status of your request, return to Temporary unavailabilities. When the manager responds to your request, you will receive a message in the Messaging Menu.

My Vacations: Ask vacations

  1. In the main menu under Messaging, click Show,
  2. In the upper left corner, click Requests for vacations,
  3. Complete the red boxes, the Note section is optional,
  4. Click on Send to send your request.
When the request is accepted or refused, you will receive a notification on your mobile application and in the messaging of the web application. 

Time bank : Consult my time bank

Consult your time bank

  1. Go to the Time Bank menu; so you will see the different banks of hours allocated to you.

Make a request to use your time bank 
  1. Go to the “Messaging / Requests” menu, then click on Time bank request.

  1. Then, fill in the different fields with your request, then click Send.

Your manager will receive your request in their email. Once the request is approved or refused, you will receive a message in your email (the same menu) to notify you of the decision.

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