Employee file: Status, Seniority, Work stoppage/termination, visibility

Employee file: Status, Seniority, Work stoppage/termination, visibility

Status and Employee Number


The status of an employee allows you to know the date of hiring or return of an employee within the company. This is also where the departure of an employee will be specified.

Employee Number

The Employee number refers to the employee payroll number in ascending order. 

Termination VS Work stoppage

If you use Nethris or Desjardins and you have already changed the status of your employee, the coordination of information will be done automatically. See articleCoordination of information relating to employee statuses, from Nethris and Desjardins to Emprez.


When your employee leaves the company, you have to close their file. To learn more, you can read the article: Departure of an employee and closing of an employment file.

If one of your former employees returns to your company, all you have to do is reactivate his file. To learn more, you can read this article: Return of an employee to employment (submit an active file).

Work stoppage

To put your employee on the work stoppage, please refer to this article.

Seniority management

The seniority date is entered when creating the employee file. It will normally be the same as the hire date.
The seniority date and the hire date may be different if the employee has temporarily left the company (work stoppage, maternity leave, etc.) 
For more information, you can read the article Return of an employee to employment (submit an active file).

Sort by seniority date

Thanks to this data, Emprez offers you an option of sorting by date of seniority when creating your schedules. To learn more, see the article: Employee sorting options (alphabetical order, employee number, seniority ...)

Seniority report

You can edit a seniority report in Reports > Reports - Employees > Years of service.
Complete the division only if you want the complete list of a branch, or complete the other boxes if you want the report for one department only.

Visibility of employee files

You may want to make an employee Invisible for one reason or another. This option is not irreversible. 
To make an employee visible or invisible:
  1. On the menu Employee, click on Search,
  2. Enter the name of the employee concerned,
  3. Click on his name at the top of his employee file,
  4. Check or uncheck the Employee is visible box as desired.

Update employee visibility (batch)

To load employees faster into Emprez, consider making terminated employees invisible.
To batch invisible employees, follow these steps:

  1. Click on Employees > Update employee visibility (Batch),
  2. Click on  Terminated & Visible,
  3. In the first column, click  to Select All,
  4. Click on the word Visible, to make everyone in the list invisible,
  5. Go to the bottom of the list to Save
  6. When you see, it means it's done.

Make completed employees invisible, visible in batch

In Emprez when an employee no longer works for the company, his status is Completed (Inactive) and his file is invisible so that his profile no longer appears in schedules or reports. If you want to output a report including inactive employees, you must make them visible.
To batch all your visible employees:
  1. Click on Employees > Update employee visibility (batch),
  2. Click the Include Hidden employees checkbox,
  3. Click on Search.
In the list, you will see all of your Active and Done employees, as well as the visibility of each folder.
  1. In the first column, click on  to Select All,
  2. Click on the word Visible, to make everyone in the list visible, or proceed by checking individually the folders that should appear on the report that you want to exit.
  3. Go to the bottom of the list to Save,
  4. When you see, it means it's done.

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