Display of plans in "Schedules by Positions"

Display of plans in "Schedules by Positions"

Whether it is a one-time or recurring requirement, Emprez helps you plan your human resources needs when creating your schedules. This will ensure that you have the right person(s) at the right time.

Create a plan to be able to integrate it when creating schedules per shift 
  1. In Schedules & Plans, create a plan according to your needs in terms of the function of your employees and/or in terms of the number of employees required over the desired period,
  2.  When creating your schedules, the planning you have previously created will appear to make it easier for you and to be sure that all your needs are met.
Once you have created your schedules by planning 
  1. Check Show planning on Schedules / Position box in your preferences, 

  1. Load your schedules for a defined period,
  2. Just below shift to fill you will see a new drop-down menu, click in the empty field and choose your plan to display.
The plans fit into the appropriate days. In the example, the "Technicians" plan requires 2 technicians from Monday to Saturday.
  1. To add the technician, click on the day plan and it will move into my employee's shift from top to bottom. Once this need is filled, the counter will adjust. 
  2. Then click on  to publish the schedule and Save.
If the plan shows 08:00 - 12:30, only the 08:00 - 12:30 hours will be counted in the red number.
The addition is from top to bottom, takes into account if a schedule exists for the SAME shift and does NOT take into account employee AVAILABILITIES. 

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