Description of the options for the interface of the employee account with the punch - Model V3
The punch machine will be used by your employees to check their presence. The machine connected to Emprez will make it possible to compare the provisional schedule with the schedule actually performed by the employee.
Punch Home screen
- Date and time: The date and time displayed will be the reference of the Emprez software for the calculation of timesheets in relation to the punching times.
Center button green clock: Allows the employee to access his "Personal space" by entering his code access. In this space, he can mark his presence and have access to other personal information (see the section below).
- Collective message: If you have programmed a collective message for your employees, it will appear in a box on the home screen. To learn more about displaying messages for employees on the punch, click here.
Birthdays: This button will display the birthdays of the month of your staff.
Presences: Will display the scheduled people ho have checked in present.
Absences: Will display the people scheduled on the schedule who have not checked in.
Schedules: Will display staff schedules for the current week. You can also see the previous and following weeks by navigating with the arrows at the bottom.
Emergencies: This button will allow you to access the emergency numbers to contact in the event of a problem for each employee. To access it, the Manager or Admin must enter their PIN code. (Issued when the punch is placed).
Employee's personal space on the punch
When the employee clicks on the
, the employee enters his access code to access his "Personal portal" on the punch machine. To enter their personal space, the employee clicks on
To exit their personal portal, the employee only has to click on
. - The employee can punch to indicate the different phases of the workday: Shift start, Shift end, Meal start, Meal end, Break start, Break end, Position change.
If the employee is late, the punch will ask him to indicate the reason for his delay before punching. - Under the buttons are entered the details of the current shift: Position, Shift start and end, function.
- By clicking on the LASTNAME+NAME Profile button, the employee accesses a menu concerning him:
- Messages: Contains all unread messages addressed to him personally.
- Schedules: The employee can see his schedules for the current week. Using the arrows under the schedule he can see the previous or next week.
- Timesheets: The employee can see their timesheets and their approval for the current week. Using the arrows under the timesheets he can see the previous or next week.