Daily premium vs Weekly premium: Watch out for duplicates

Daily premium vs Weekly premium: Watch out for duplicates

If you have programmed a daily premium as well as a weekly premium for your employees, be sure not to pay your employees in duplicate for the overtime worked.
Example: The employee works 8:00 am on Thursday, then 41 hours in his week in total. The daily premium and the weekly premium will be triggered and the employee will be paid in duplicate for that same overtime hour.
To overcome this duplication, 2 solutions are available to you:

1 - Creation of a new department containing positions expressly used to manage daily overtime

  1. These positions must be added to employee files in order to isolate daily overtime from weekly time,
  2. Creation of 3 cumulative premiums:
    1. Verification premium Daily overtime: Added to all employees to notify if an employee is paid more than 7.5 hours in a day.
    2. Overtime premium: Which will be configured to take positions in the Daily Overtime department only. It must be associated with all employees.
    3. Weekly overtime premium: Which will be re-configured only to take charge of all the workstations in the residence EXCEPT those of the Daily overtime department.

2 - Adding a timesheet manually for overtime

3 - Different earning code in your payroll department

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