Creation of a schedule in Emprez towards the edition fo timesheets

Creation of a schedule in Emprez towards the edition fo timesheets

When you create a schedule and share it with your colleagues, a Timesheet is created automatically.
If you do not save or publish the schedule, no timesheet will be created.
Let's see together how to create a schedule so that a timesheet is then created.

Schedule creation

  1. In the Schedules menu, create a schedule either by Positions or by Employee (in the example in the image it is a creation by post),
  2. Select the department for which you want to create a new schedule in the left menu,
  3. Click on Load - at this step, you have a vision of the employees registered in the selected department,
  4. Choose the period over which you want to create your schedules by scrolling through the time bar (top middle),
  5. Create your schedules according to your needs,
  6. Click on  to publish the new schedules,
  7. Click on Save to finalize the creation of the schedules.

We cannot create schedules in the past, but you can manually edit a timesheet.
For more information on adding timesheets manually, click here.

View Timesheets

  1. When you have saved the times you have just created an appointment in the Timesheet menu,
  2. Select the department for which you want to see Timesheets,
  3. Click on Load - at this step, you have a vision of the employees registered in the selected department.
In the example, the timesheets created are red because the employees have not yet punched out their shifts since we have just created the schedules. For more information on the timesheet color code, click here.

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