Configuration of the Export section in the Pay menu

Configuration of the Export section in the Pay menu

Emprez allows you to export your employee's remuneration data to the payroll service of your choice. Depending on the service selected, the generated export file will allow you to fill in the necessary fields of your payroll service, allowing you to save precious time during the payroll deposit period.

Emprez only exports the data you have configured. It is the responsibility of the payroll person to verify the exported information before routing the payroll. Any data imported from Emprez cannot be handled once in the payroll department. In this case, it is important to make the necessary changes in Emprez to avoid errors.

Access the payroll export section

Access the payroll export section via Pay > Export Pay

Explanation of Payroll Management section

Payroll management has three sections that determine the format and calculations that will be performed for the final export to your payroll department.


Emprez allows you to manage the export of payroll from several payroll entities. Each company can be configured according to different pay parameters. Emprez will always display the paying entity associated with your administrator account first.

Pay period 

Choose the pay period for which you want to generate the export. By default, Emprez will always show the pay period just ended. Use the arrow symbols to change the period.
The pay period can only be changed by an Emprez agent. You can issue a ticket with the name of the company and the change you want to make.

Export Pay

The export section is what allows Emprez to perform the necessary calculations for a consistent export to your payroll department. It can be divided into three distinct areas. The first concerns the configuration of your payroll (payroll system, company code, compilation). The second zone is associated with the earnings codes supported by your payroll service (Hours worked, shadowing, training, vacations, paid leave ...). The last section concerns the verification of the export data used to generate the export to payroll file.

Configuration payroll

Payroll service

Choose the payroll service you use from the drop-down menu. Each payroll service selected will modify the export options that you will be able to use.

Enterprise code

The enterprise code corresponds to the Id of your company in the payroll department of your enterprise. Some payroll services require this information to be entered in order for the export file to be accepted. 


Determine how your pay will be compiled for export. The selected compilation can affect the calculations and the content of the final export file that will be generated by Emprez. 
The compilation does not concern the type of payroll you are making ie. weekly pay VS pay every two weeks. Rather, it is about how you want Emprez to perform the calculations for your export file. The pay type and compilation are usually the same but may differ depending on the settings of your pay service.
The configuration of the pay type (weekly or biweekly) must be configured by one of our agents.
Please create a ticket with the name of your company and our team will manage your request as soon as possible. 
Refer to the documentation of your payroll service to find out what types of compilations it can support.
Refer to the article Web service activation for your company for more details on the part about Emprez.

Types of compilations

By week

Compile the total time worked according to the week in which the work was carried out.
If your payment is made biweekly, Emprez will do the totals separately for each week.
An export line is usually generated for each week.  
Example of a weekly compilation:
For a pay generated every two weeks:
  1. Employees are entitled to overtime if the total weekly hours exceed 40 hours.
  2. The hours worked are:
    1. Week 1: 35h
    2. Week 2: 45h
The employee's payroll export will have three lines:
  1. Line 1: 35h worked at the regular rate for Week 1
  2. Line 2: 40h worked at the regular rate for Week 2
  3. Line 3: 5h worked at the regular rate for Week 2
The employee is entitled to overtime because he worked 5 hours more for week 2.

By two weeks

Compiles the total hours worked over the fortnight.
If your payment is made biweekly and you choose a biweekly compilation, Emprez will export the total hours on one line rather than distinguishing the totals for each week of your pay period.
Example of a compilation every two weeks:
For a pay generated every two weeks:
  1. Employees are entitled to overtime if the total number of hours per fortnight is more than 80 hours.
  2. The hours worked are:
    1. Week 1: 35h
    2. Week 2: 45h
The employee's payroll export will have a line:
  1. Line 1: 80h worked at regular rate
The employee is not entitled to overtime, as the compilation confirms that he did not work overtime during this period.

Week 1 or Week 2 only

Used to allow you to export one week of pay at a time. As the name suggests, Emprez will only export the total hours validated for the week of the selected pay period.

Exportation code configuration 

The export codes section allows you to associate certain types of timesheets found in Emprez with the associated earnings codes in your payroll service.
Each export section includes a checkbox .
  1. If the box associated with an export field is selected , the timesheets associated with this export field will be found in the final export file generated by Emprez 
  2. If the box associated with an export field is not selected, the timesheets associated with this export field will not be taken into account in your payroll export. The data associated with them in Emprez will still remain accessible and visible in the various Emprez reports.
Some payroll services do not support all of the export fields available in Emprez. 
Any export field not supported by a selected payroll service will then be grayed out and cannot be selected.
Any timesheets associated with a gray field cannot, therefore, be taken care of during export.
Here is the list of each export code and the type of work schedule and timesheets related to them:

Hours worked: 
On the schedule: Work
Timesheet associated: Work

On the schedule: Shadowing
Timesheet associated: Shadowing

On the schedule: Training
Timesheet associated: Training

Stat. holidays: 
On the schedule: Stat. holidays
Timesheet associated: Stat. holidays 

On the scheduleVacations 
Timesheet associated: Vacations 
Note: link to the employee's vacation bank in Emprez. Associated with the employee's annual paid vacation.

Sick leave (paid): 
On the schedule: No 
Timesheet associated: Sick leave (paid)
Note: link to the employee's sick leave bank in Emprez. It is not possible to schedule sick leave on the schedule. A normal shift must be placed with a note "sick leave" in the associated note. The type of shift will then have to be changed manually when validating working time for the "Absence due to illness (paid)" option. Any time thus compensated will be deducted from the employee's sick leave bank in Emprez.

Time off (paid): 
On the schedule: Time off (Paid) 
Timesheet associated: Time off (Paid)  
Note: Usually associated with paid leave from the company e.g. December 26 is paid to employees as leave from your company. 

Paid absences: 
On the schedule: No 
Timesheet associated: Absence authorized (paid), Absence due to death (paid), 1st-day CSSST.
Note: Usually associated with statutory social leave such as the death of a loved one. The 1st CSSST allows you to determine the start of the period of absence of disability of your employee for the calculation of his indemnities. For more details, see the article Overview of the different time banks, holidays, and vacations.

Bank time used: 
On the schedule: No 
Timesheet: No
Note: The use of an employee's time bank to be taken over must be made from the section  of a validated timesheet. The employee must have a time bank active in the payroll department. If your payroll does not support time banking, the time banked in Emprez will then be paid as hours worked by the employee. It will be your responsibility to determine the deductions once the amounts have been exported to your payroll department.

Bank time accumulated: 
On the schedule: No 
Timesheet: No
Note: The accumulation in an employee's time bank must be done from the section  of a validated timesheet. The employee must have a time bank active in the payroll department. If your payroll does not support time banking, then the time banked in Emprez will be paid as hours worked to the employee. It will be your responsibility to determine the deductions once the amounts have been exported to your payroll department.

On the schedule: Aucun 
Timesheet: Union 
Note: This is used to count the time reserved for union leave for your employees. We recommend placing a "Work" type shift and placing a "Union" statement in the shift note. It will then be necessary to change the type of timesheet during the validation of working time.

On the schedule: No
Timesheet: No
Note: A field reserved for any other type of gain that you wish to support during the export.

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