Configuration and use of the dashboard

Configuration and use of the dashboard

The Emprez dashboard allows you to understand what's going on in your account at a glance.

Timesheets to approved

On the Dashboard, they are classified:
  1. By pay period 
  2. Per employee, with the number of timesheets to be approved in parentheses
Start approving timesheets from the Dashboard:
  1. Select the employees or employees to display,
  2. Click on Approve,
  3. Or click on Today or Yesterday to hide the other dates in the period.

Plans checking

Emprez checks if all your plans are filled.
You will be alerted if you have too many employees on schedule, or if you do not have enough employees on the floor.

Employee schedule verification

You will get an alert for the following situations: 
  1. The employee will receive an overtime premium
  2. Hiring information is missing
  3. There is a conflict between the employee's availability and the planned schedule
Click on the error to display the week in error.
Consult this article to correct then depending on the situation.

Shifts to fill validation

You must first activate the display of this option to use it.
You will get an alert for the following situations: 
  1. You sent to create a Shift to fill and you have not yet received an answer
  2. You asked the other employees to occupy or take certain missing shifts

User Preferences

You can modify the content of your Dashboard and your default information from this window:
Once you are connected, click on your name at the top right in the blue bar to modify your preferences.

The verification period is modifiable, to make this change, click on your name in the upper right corner.

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