Budgeting (Hours or money)

Budgeting (Hours or money)

The budget alert will be reserved for administrators (only administrators have access to financial data).
Only the alert in hours is accessible to managers.
According to your internal policy, you may have to respect a budget or hours and/or amount when creating your schedule. 
To meet this need, Emprez allows you to create a budget alert that will notify you when the set limits have been exceeded.

Activate budget alert and Create a budget

To activate this budget alert, follow these steps:
  1. In your Manager file, click on Budget Parameters section,
  2. Determine your budget limits.

Once you have entered your limits in terms of hours and/or amount, the dashboard will display the budget verification. An alert will also notify you when you have exceeded the budget when creating your schedules.
The budget check adds up in hours and dollars all the schedules (published or not) of all the departments to which the manager has access.
In your Preferences, if the option "Include vacation when calculating amounts" is not unchecked, the Administrators will see the vacation allowances included in the total column.
Total column = Total employee salary (hourly rate x hours worked) + Vacation pay compensation (total salary x % compensation).
Scheduled vacations and holidays are not included in the budget.

Budgets overview

You can also have an overview of existing budgets by going to :
  1. The menu Schedules
  2. Choose Budget Management
To modify the budget for a manager: click on   at the end of their line.
If the menu is not available, feel free to contact us with the list of the users that should be able to see and modify these parameters.
With the budgeting activated, the system adds up the hours and dollars of all the schedules (published or not) for all the departments to which the manager has access. If the user exceeds his budget, you will see an alert on the Dashboard, as well as the manager concerned. Scheduled vacations and holidays are not included in the budget.

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