Automation of your schedules

Automation of your schedules

Emprez makes it easy for you to create your schedules by offering you automation solutions that will save you time and allow you to remember nothing from one period to another. Below is an overview of the schedule automation functions.

Predetermined shifts

In your week, the same needs for people and jobs on the floor may be repeated. For this, we have created the function of predetermined shifts. Presence, break time, meal times ... as many parameters that can be saved. You just have to assign a shift to your employees.
To learn more about predetermined shifts, click here.

Shift to be filled

Do you have shifts you want to offer to all employees who can work in a particular position, or are your looking for volunteers? No problem! Create a shift to fill in the schedule, Emprez notifies the candidates, and if they decide to apply, your select the one that suits you! The schedule will then be updated automatically, both the company and the employee. 
To learn more about the shift to be filled, click here.

Schedule templates

Do your schedules look the same? Create them, and import them repeatedly using the schedule template function. A "template" is a preset schedule. Typically, our clients use schedule templates for their full-time employees, and/or for students who have changing availability. An employee can have several schedule templates, such as a template named "Week 1", another named "Week 2" etc...
To learn more about the Schedule templates, click here.

Schedules & plans

Plan your workforce with the Schedules & plans function. Create your needs and import them into your schedules and see the vacancies! In the schedules "plans" or "needs" are loaded which shows precisely what the user must put on the schedule.
To learn more about the Schedules & plans, click here.
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