Adding hours to the bank from timesheets

Adding hours to the bank from timesheets

TimeBank: It is a reserve of overtime. In a few clicks, fill in the missing hours with a timesheet using the hours available in the timebank.
Warning: Do not pay an hourly premium with timebank.
Indeed, the use of timebank is always done at the basic hourly wage of the employee, while an hourly premium is supposed to remunerate the employee with his hourly wage + ( a % or a fixed amount in $ ).

Method 1: From the employee's work time approval sheet

When the employee has punched and his supervisor has approved his time, a Bank symbol appears.

By pressing the bank symbol, a menu appears which allows hours to be added to the individual's bank.

Section Add to Bank:
  1. Only approved hours are displayed in bank hours
  2. Use the middle section - Add to Bank - to bank hours 
  3. Use the bottom section - Using TimeBank - to pay hours from the bank

In this section, you have access to the hours worked and approved for the employee per week. From this method, you can only add approved hours.
Adding hours under Add to Bank will increase and decrease pay. When exporting pay, these hours will be exported to the correct pay codes in your pay system.
In this section, you have the choice of putting the hours worked in the bank at regular time or at a time and a half, depending on your internal policy. (1)
From here, you can also pay for hours in the bank, in the Using the TimeBank section. (2)
The images below also show that we have reserved a Note section for you, which is visible when printing the Pay summary which is found under the Pay menu.
If you simply want to add hours without the employee has worked, you must do so from the Employee timesheet - See Method 2
Example: you are a new Emprez customer and you want to reflect a bank of hours accumulated before using Emprez.

Method 2: From the employee file, Timesheet section

  1. In the main menu, click on Employees, then search to access the file of the employee of your choice,
  2. Once in the employee's file, click on Timesheets at the bottom (1),
  3. To add working time, click on Add + at the bottom right (2),
  4. Fill in the data in the Add a timesheet Employee's First Name Last Name, then click Save (3),
  5. Once the time has been created, you can add it and bank the hours as described above.

To find out more about paying vacation from a time bank, click on the following link: Payment of vacation to an employee.
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