3. Mobile Application Functions: Hours, Messages, Punch & Tasks

3. Mobile Application Functions: Hours, Messages, Punch & Tasks


My Shift

At the top of your home page appears your current shift or one to come in the next 24 hours. 
The color of the quarter corresponds to the colors chosen by the manager for you.
  1. Click on My Shifts to see the list of your shifts,
  2. If you want to see your shifts in calendar format, just click on the calendar at the top of the page,
  3. Use the arrows in My schedule to go from one month to another.

If the option is not on your screen, please update the application.

Team schedule

In the home page click on Team schedule you will have access to your team schedule based on the day selected.
If you don't see your team's schedule, please refer to the scenarios below.

1. You do not have a schedule for the day 

When you are on leave with / without pay, on vacation or a holiday for a day or you are simply not on schedule, you are unable to see who is working for that day. However, if an employee among your colleagues works for a day and wants to be replaced, he will be able to select you from the list of replacements.
The Managers can see the schedule of his team even if he does not have one for the day.

2. Your are not entitled to the general schedule

Please contact your Administrator to activate this option. He can use this article.

Replacement requests

The Emprez mobile app is used to exchange shifts between employees, if the administrator allows employees to do so.
If you do not have the option at the bottom of the screen (Bidirectional arrows), this means that you are not authorized to exchange your shift via your mobile application. Please contact your manager to activate them.

1. Choose the shift for which you wish to be replaced

  1. A shift started cannot be exchanged.
  2. The manager or administrator must publish the employee's work schedules in advance.
In the main menu click on My Shifts,
From the list of upcoming shifts, choose the date,
Tap the bottom icon with the Biderectionnal arrows to make your request.

2. Choose the replacement employee

The application shows you on the next page the details concerning the shift that will be replaced. This will be sent to your colleague and will be copied into their schedule once accepted. Once the shift is confirmed, the following page asks you to provide additional information on the replacement:
  1. The reason why cannot work for this shift.
  2. The name of the manager to whom you want to submit the request to modify this shift, then click Confirm, then click Submit,
  3. And finally, the colleague(s) to whom you want to give the shift, then click on Submit.
Once submitted, the shift modification request will be sent, first, to the replacement employee, then when the latter accepts it, a request will appear in the manager's mailbox chosen previously.

3. Request accepted by the employee and by the manager

The replacement employee will receive a notification on their mobile application on the home page, in Messages > Replacement request.
When he accepts the manager will receive a notification that the employee is available to take the shift.

The manager approves the shift change, the employee who requested and the one who accepted receive a notification that the shift change is accepted. This is available in Messages > Messages.
The accepted shift will be deleted from the applicant's schedule and will be added to the replacement's schedule. In the example below, the schedule will be deleted from Ingrid's schedule and added to Sue's schedule.

4. Request accepted by employee, BUT refused by manager 

The employee who was chosen from the previous list cannot "refuse" a request for a shift exchange as such.
If the requester does not receive a reply in their mailbox, this means that:
  1. Her colleague is not available to take her shift
  1. The manager refused the replacement request. A message is then sent to the employee who has accepted the replacement request telling the that the request has been refused.
During this time, the claimant will continue to have their shift still available.

In either of the above cases, the claimant must:
Report to your shift OR notify your manager that you cannot report for your shift.
He must therefore notify his employer directly so that the employer can send a request to free employees for a missing shift.

Quarters to be filled

Your manager may have a need on an upcoming shift, he will propose it to the team as a shift to be filled.
You will be notified by a notification then you can se the detail in Messages > Work Shifts
In this section you see the detail on the shift available (Position, date and hours) and you can Apply if you wish.

The Manager must validate your application so that you are definitively positioned on the shift to be filled.

When you apply, your manager also receives a notification. If he approves your presence, you will be notified in Messages > Work shift. At that time, the shift appears in My Shifts.


Messages is where you will be notified if
  1. Work Shifts are available and your manager is looking for volunteers
  2. One of your colleagues is looking for a replacement
  3. Your manager sent your an intern message
  4. Your vacation requests have been accepted or denied
You can also send internal messages to your managers.

Punch & Tasks

Punch for a shift

You can only use the mobile application if this option has been activated by your manager. 
  1. Click on Punch & Tasks,
  2. Allow application access to your location,
  3. If you can work on several positions, select the position for which you want to punch,
  4. Select the type of punch (Shift Start, Shift End, Break Start ... ),
  5. Click Punch,
To see the history of your punches, select History at the bottom right of the screen.

Punch for a task

Your manager may want you to punch for a specific task. In this case, it will have created it and hen associated it with your shift.
In order to punch on a task, follow these steps:
Click on Punch and Tasks,
Select the position then "Start of shift" or the other options according to the advance of the day,
In the bottom menu, click Punch on a task,
Select Start or End according to the advance of the day and click on Punch.

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