2. Employee Portal: Schedule, Messaging, Time Punching, Timesheets

2. Employee Portal: Schedule, Messaging, Time Punching, Timesheets


My Schedule

To view your work schedule, click Show under My Schedule on the main menu. 
To see more detail for a shift, click on the hours displayed for that shift.
The calendar is displayed by month and you can scroll ahead or back using the arrows at the bottom of the page - <Previous  or  Next>. 

You can print your weekly schedule by clicking on 

Schedule of All Employees

To see the schedule of all employees, click on Show under Division Schedule from the main menu. 
If you do not see the Division Schedule, please see the information below.

You will not be able to see the Division Schedule if:

1. You do not have a shift on the day in question

For any day that you are not scheduled to work or that you have a day off (with or without pay), a vacation, or a statutory holiday you will not be able to see the schedule of other employees for that day.  
However, an employee who is scheduled but is looking for a replacement for a day that you are not scheduled will be able to select your name from a list of possible replacements.
To learn more about shift replacements, click here. 
Managers can see the Division Schedule even if they do not have a shift. 

2. Management has not authorized the option to view the Division Schedule

You will need to communicate with your Administrator to activate this option.  

Shift Replacement

The Emprez Employee Portal does not have the module that allows you to request a shift replacement. 
This module is available on the Emprez mobile application. 
To assist you in using the mobile application for shift replacement please,
use this link.

Shift To Fill 

Management may identify a shift that has not yet been assigned to an employee and offer that shift to available employees as a Shift To Fill.  
  1. You will receive a message notification in the Messaging section - click Show to view
  2. Click on the message and, if you are interested in taking the shift, select Apply to the job
Your manager must accept your application to fill the job before it is officially assigned to you.  If accepted, you will be notified in the Messaging section and the shift will be added to your schedule.    


The messaging section is where you will be notified if:  
  1. Shifts are available and your manager is looking for staff
  2. One of your colleagues is looking for someone to replace them on a shift
  3. Your Manager has sent you a message
  4. Your request for vacation or days off have been accepted or refused
You can also:
  1. Send messages to your manager(s)
  2. Submit Request for vacations

Time Punching for Your Shift

  1. From the main menu, under Punch, select Show,
  2. If you work for more than one company, select the appropriate company under the Division section,
  3. Click on the appropriate box (Shift Start, Break Start, Shift End etc.).     


If your management has authorized this feature, you can view your timesheets from the Employee Portal.

From the main menu, simply click on Show under My Timesheets. You will be able to view timesheets that have been approved and timesheets that are pending approval.   

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