Locking timesheets

Locking timesheets

Emprez gives you the possibility to give an ADMIN the right to lock and/or unlock a timesheet after approval.
This option will allow you to avoid clumsiness that leads to errors in the timesheets.
  1. Right to lock a timesheet: The user can lock a timesheet after having approved it.
    He can also unlock the timesheets that he has locked himself.
  2. Right to unlock a timesheet: The user can unlock all timesheets, including those locked by other users.
To activate this option, please send us the name of the concerned ADMIN by ticket and specify which options you want:
       Option 1: Allow to lock and unlock timesheets approved by himself 
       Option 2: Allow to lock and unlock timesheets approved by himself and other users.
An ADMIN who has these rights can grant them to other managers.

How does it work?

  1. In the Timesheets menu,
  2. Approve the desired timesheets THEN click on lock  or unlock .

  1. To see who has approved and/or locked the timesheet, scroll down the timesheet by clicking on, then click onfor more details.

NB: If a timesheet of the week is locked, the whole weekly summary will be locked, you will be able to consult it but not save it.

If the user has the lock right and can export the payroll, the following message appears:

You can lock all timesheets when exporting to PDF, XLS, ... 
You can also lock/unlock several times without problems.

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